Physical address
Rolleston College
631 Springston Rolleston Rd
Rolleston 7678
Selwyn district
New Zealand
+64 3 595 2490
Postal/shipping address
PO Box 86045
Rolleston West 7658
New Zealand
Facility hire queries:
Raumati: Marc Capstick,
Ngahuru: Dan Hunter,
Hōtoke: Nigel Wall,
Kōanga: Cam Chalmers,
Principal: Rachel Skelton,
It is important to us that the concerns of students, staff, parents/whānau, and members of the Rolleston community are recognised and resolved in a fair and consistent manner. If you have any wellbeing or academic concerns, we encourage you to:
STEP ONE: In the first instance, we encourage you to talk directly to the staff member who manages that area of concern (class teacher, school nurse, counsellor).
STEP TWO: Talk with your learner's Ako or Advisory coach and or Ako leader. As a familiar staff member, often across your learner's day-to-day school life, they will be able to talk directly to or investigate any concerns and will support you through the process.
STEP THREE: Problem still not solved? Contact your learner's whānau leader or a deputy principal.
While it is the college’s preference to resolve concerns without going through a formal process, we understand that this isn’t always possible. Please refer to our formal complaints process detailed below.
STEP FOUR: All formal complaints will adhere to the college’s formal complaint process.
All formal complaints should be in writing and, in the first instance, should be forwarded to the principal to respond and manage. Written complaints can be directed to our principal, Mrs. Rachel Skelton (
Where needed, the principal will clarify any matters and acknowledge receipt of the complaint within three working days.
The principal will discuss all complaints with the board chairperson to determine the level of the complaint. Any and all complaints received by the board chairperson directly will be referred to the principal in the first instance.
All formal complaints are noted in the board’s complaint register, discussed with the board chair and shared “in committee” with the board at the next board meeting. When a board is “in committee” for a confidential discussion, no documentation shall occur, and only recommendations will be summarised to protect the privacy of the individuals involved.
As part of our investigation, a copy of the complaint letter will be provided and discussed with the person or people involved seeking their feedback and input.
The principal is ultimately responsible for investigating the allegations by recording, reporting and making a recommendation to the board and then to the individuals involved. In all instances, complaints will be treated in confidence; however, in the interests of natural justice, the person (or persons) the complaint is about must have the opportunity to hear all details of the complaint and have the chance to make a reply. As such, this will form part of our investigation process.
Based on the findings, a closure meeting will be held with the individuals concerned and a final letter outlining the findings and way forward to the staff members involved. This will be shared with the board of trustees.
STEP FIVE: Where learners, parents/caregivers are dissatisfied with the principal’s actions or decisions concerning any complaint, they should send their concerns in writing to the board of trustees chairperson (
Where needed, the board chair will clarify any matters and acknowledge receipt of the complaint within three working days.
All complaints will be recorded in the complaints register.
All complainants will be advised of the process and timeline in relation to their complaint. Regular updates will be given if the investigation and resolution process is longer than one month.
A formal closure letter will be sent when the complaints process has concluded.
Complaints material will be filed and held confidentially to prevent unauthorised access to this data.
STEP SIX: Finally, if you are not happy with the response from the school, you can of course contact your local Ministry of Education office for additional guidance and support. More information can be found on the complaints page on the Ministry of Education website.
631 Springston Rolleston Road
Rolleston, New Zealand, 7614
Transforming our world – Takahurihia te ao
Self. Community. Future.