International FAQ

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Frequently asked questions

Can I enrol at any time of the year?

You can, however, it is not recommended that senior learners come in term 4 due to examinations taking place.

Junior learners are still welcome to attend in term 4.

We advise checking with our International Director, Alison Xie ( on times of the year that may clash if you would like to make the most of your stay. 

You can stay for between a few weeks and a year or more. The longer you stay, the more varied your experiences will be.

What should I expect on my first day?

At the beginning of each year, Rolleston College welcomes all new learners with a variety of orientation activities. This establishes firm friendships and knowledge of college life in a way that allows us to learn together.

Rolleston College will also host a dedicated international learners' orientation to help our learners adjust to New Zealand and life at Rolleston College.  

What if I am unable to attend school?

International learners must attend when the college is open for tuition. Any reasons for absence such as illness must be communicated to the college. Where the learner continues to absent themselves from the college for no valid reason, this may jeopardise the learner’s achievement, their student visa and runs the risk of having their agreement with Rolleston College revoked.

You can report an absence by asking your parent, guardian or caregiver to contact the college by calling 03 595 2490, or by emailing or use the school app to send in your absence. 

Can international learners travel during school hours?

The Education and Training Act 2020 does not allow for learners to miss school for holidays or travel during school terms. We would appreciate parents’ support in ensuring that international learners attend school at all times and limit their holidays to the school holiday periods. Failing to do so may jeopardise the international learner’s achievement at school and also their student visa.  

Do I have to have insurance?

Yes. All international learners must have insurance during their stay in New Zealand. This is part of our requirements.

Do I have to wear a school uniform?

Yes, all learners must wear the Rolleston College uniform. Full-year students must purchase their own uniform, either secondhand or new from NZ Uniforms. Our uniform is unique to our school so cannot be purchased at other stores. Short term students can hire uniforms from the college at an additional cost.

Do you have English language learners' classes?

Yes, we offer classes for English language learners. Rolleston College’s staff assist learners of non-English speaking backgrounds, assist with their English language, vocabulary development and an understanding of grammatical rules. The classes are taught in small groups to help with overall academic success. For the remaining subjects, our learners join mainstream classes.

What else can I do at Rolleston College besides my schoolwork?

There are plenty of extra things you can do at the college! If you are staying long term we welcome you to join our sports teams outside of school, and music and cultural activities too. Some of these activities may require you to pay extra fees, and get permission from your guardians or caregivers as well. 

What if I am unhappy about an aspect of my stay?

When you attend Rolleston College, you can expect to receive a high standard of education and to feel safe and well cared for while you live and study here. There are times where things don’t go to plan and, it is essential that you know and go through the right steps to ensure your concerns are dealt with quickly.

If you have any concerns, please contact our International Director, Alison Xie (