Congratulations to the many learners who are ‘trying hard’ in preparation for the upcoming derived grade exams. It has been fantastic to see so many of you turning up to tutorials and prioritising your academic goals. Keep it up!
Derived grade exams are important because if a learner cannot attend their NZQA exam in November, the results from these exams are used. These results count towards end of year awards. They also provide learners with valuable insight into their progress and where they need to focus their revision.
Derived grade examination times and meeting locations
Morning exams: 9am to 12pm
Afternoon exams: 12:30pm to 3:30pm
Exams with special assessment conditions (SAC): please meet at the bottom of Ngahuru external stairs.
Exams in the auditorium: please meet in the plaza.
Derived grade examination procedures
Learners must arrive 20 minutes before the exam starts.
Learners must be in correct school uniform.
Learners cannot enter after the first 30 minutes.
Learners cannot leave in the first 45 minutes or the last 15 minutes of the exam, even to use the bathroom.
It is expected that all questions will be attempted.
Equipment needed for the exams (pens, ruler, calculator, etc.) must be brought into the exam room in a clear plastic bag. Any other bags must be left at the front of the room. Please bring a fully charged device for digital exams.
Note: The use of mobile phones, electronic devices/smart watches are not permitted in an examination room.
Subjects with portfolio requirements/deadlines
During the derived grade exam week, you have a scheduled time slot with your teacher – see exam timetable below.
Study leave
As communicated in previous Lancewood newsletters, learners in years 11, 12 and 13 will be on study leave and normal classes will not be running. Learners are required onsite for their exam (it is compulsory to attend) and outside of their exams, they may study from home. Studying at home between exams is essential to ensure they are well prepared for their examinations.
When on study leave, learners should not be on school grounds unless sitting their exam.
Examination absences
Learners who are unable to attend an exam due to illness need to ensure they have called in their absence via the normal method: our app, by phone (+64 3 930 0080), or email absences@rollestoncollege.nz by 8:30am on the day of the absence.
Examination timetable
Learners need to check the exam timetable carefully.
Exams will be taking place in the auditorium, gym, G block and Ngahuru/performing arts (for special assessment conditions). The rooms have been added to the table below.
If a learner has a clash of exams, they need to speak with their Advisory coach as soon as possible.
Examination timetable
Day | 9am Level | Exam | Room | SAC | 12:30pm Level | Exam | Room | SAC |
Friday 23 | 1 1 1 1 2 3 | 1ENG1 1ENG2 1ENG3 1ENG4 2HEA 3PAINT & 3DESIGN | Gym Gym Gym Auditorium Auditorium G block | Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru | 1 1 2 3 3 | 1MUS 1SCI4 2PHYS 3GEO 3SPA | Gym Gym Auditorium Gym Gym | Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru |
Monday 26 | 1 2 2 3 3 | 1KAI 2ENG1 2ENG2 3STATS 3HIST | Auditorium Gym Gym Auditorium Auditorium | Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru | 1 2 3 3 | 1COMM 2CHEM 3ENG2 3MUS | Gym Gym Gym Gym | Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru |
Tuesday 27 | 1 1 1 2 2 | 1MATH 1NUM 1STEM 2DES 2PAINT | Auditorium Gym Gym Production G block | Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru | 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 2 2 2 3 | 1DANC 1FRE 2MED 2SPA 3BIO 3PSYC 1SAM 2FRE 3FRE 2SAM 2Chinese 2Korean 3German | Dance studio | Ngahuru |
Wednesday 28 | 1 2 2 3 2 | 1SPA 2REO 2STEM 3CLAS 2STATS | Gym Gym Gym Gym Gym | Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru | 1 3 3 3 2 3 | 1HPE 3BUS 3JPN 3PHYS 2PHOTO 3PHOTO | Gym Auditorium Auditorium Auditorium G block G block | Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru |
Thursday 29 | 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 | 1ART 2DRA 2GEO 1HIST 3ENG1 3MED2 3CALC 3REO 3STEM | G block Gym Gym Gym Gym Gym Auditorium Auditorium Auditorium | Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru | 1 | 1GEO 3HEA 1REO 2BIO 3DVC | Gym Gym Drama studio Gym Gym | Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru |
Friday 30 | 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 | 1JPN 2HIST 2JPN 2MUS 3CHEM 3DRA 1HEA | Gym Gym Gym Gym Gym Gym Gym | Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru | 1 2 2 3 | 1SCI2 2CLAS 2TON 3MED1 | Gym Gym Gym Gym | Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru Ngahuru |
Final word – a reminder
PREPARATION: ‘try hard’ by ensuring you have created your study timetable and are sticking to it! Share your study timetable with family so they can support you to stick to it. Organise your notes and practice as many past papers as possible. Be sure to also attend the many tutorials on offer by your teachers.
PARTICIPATION: ‘try hard’ by turning up in plenty of time for your exams. Attempt all of the questions – even when you are unsure!
PROGRESS: ‘try hard’ by taking on board the feedback your teachers will give you following the exam – this is really helpful heading into the final NCEA exams at the end of the year.
PERSONAL BEST: ‘try hard’ to reach your goals! These exams are taking you one step closer to your future career!
631 Springston Rolleston Road
Rolleston, New Zealand, 7614
Transforming our world – Takahurihia te ao
Self. Community. Future.